December 20, 2019

Happy Holidays!

Wishing you a peaceful and 
relaxing break from school!

It's also the perfect time to READ, READ, READ!

Students: remember to keep track of the books you read 
to add to your reading goal this year.

Party Time!

Thanks to the Party Committee who planned a super relaxing party for us today!

We watched Home Alone and ate delicious snacks!

Happy Pyjama Day!

December 19, 2019

Holly Jolly Math!

In Math this morning, students were randomly divided into groups and then participated in the Snowman Relay! They had to solve different math problems and be the first team to complete their snowman drawing.

Happy Célé-fêtes Day!

December 18, 2019

Kindness is all around!

In English Language Arts, we have been discussing KINDNESS.
Each student created a list poem titled Top 10 Ways to be Kind.

 Also, students participated in CRAFTERNOON to create gifts to give in kindness.

 Let's all be KIND this holiday season and in the year to come!

Happy Nessness Day!

December 17, 2019

Happy Hat Day!

Thanks for all the donations for Winnipeg Harvest!

December 16, 2019

Happy L'undi-forme Day!

This week in 209

Here's what we'll be working on having fun with this week:

Mathematiques:  working with the Cartesian plane: following coordinates to create a drawing, problem solving

Francais: presenting a reader's theatre.

English Language Arts: discussing kindness, creating gifts to give in kindness, predicting the winner of the 2020 Caldecott Medal.

Also this week:
Spirit Week!
Celebration of Learning Assembly!
Class Party!

December 13, 2019

Spirit Week!

Just before the holidays, it's time for another 
NESS SPIRIT WEEK!             

Monday, December 16th : L'undi-forme!
  Wear your favorite jersey or sports uniform!

Tuesday, December 17th: 
 Un béret pour la bienfaisance!  
It's Hat Day! Students are asked to donate 25 cents to Winnipeg Harvest in order to wear their hat for the day. All hats welcome - not just berets! 
         Wednesday, December 18th : NESSness 
Wear your Ness gear or Ness colours! 
 Thursday, December 19th: 
  Come dressed as your favorite holiday, or as if you're going on holiday!

Friday, December 20th :  Les pyjamas parfaits!
 It's Pajama Day 

Mathy Art

In Math, students were challenged to complete a drawing created by carefully following a lengthy list of coordinates.

December 11, 2019

Winnipeg Harvest!

Here at École Ness, we are collecting non-perishable items and money for Winnipeg Harvest.

Please consider giving what you can.

Thank you!

December 10, 2019


Please return all report card envelopes 
to the school! 
(They will be reused next term!)

From the English Department...

Our biographies are finally finished!
It's been fun to read about each other!

From the Math Department...

Today students followed a list of coordinates to reveal the hidden picture.
Isn't math fun?!

December 9, 2019

This week in 209

Here's what we'll be working on this week:

Mathematiques: working with the Cartesian plane

Francais: daily reading, presenting an oral presentation, discussing the elements of a story, building a story using these elements.

English Language Arts: daily reading, discussing and writing about kindness, continuing our 2020 Mock Caldecott.

Sciences de la nature: finishing up our study of living things.

Sciences Humaines: finishing up our study of the First World War.

December 4, 2019

Report Card Alert!

Report Cards go home today!

Parents: please email me at once you have received and read the report. 

Also, kindly return the envelope for future use.

December 3, 2019


In Français, it's time for another CFOO (Le Club Fabuleux des Orateurs et Oratrices)! 
This is a public speaking "club" that will help students improve their oral French skills through short speeches.

For this presentation, students must choose one of the five Creativity options: a magic trick, a commercial, an art masterpiece, telling jokes / riddles or showing off creative uses for an everyday object. They will then prepare their short oral presentation, fulfilling all of the criteria (listed on the page they have in their binder).

Students should also keep in mind eye contact, volume and expression during their presentation.

The CFOO Presentations will take place on Monday, December 9th.

December 2, 2019

The Caldecott Medal!

The Caldecott Medal is awarded every year by the Association for Library Service to Children to the artist of the most distinguished picture book for children.

Here in Room 209 we're reading and evaluating a pile of picture books to make our predictions on who should win! 

 We'll find out if our predictions are correct when the Caldecott Medal is awarded in January!

This week in 209

Here's what we'll be working on this week:

Mathematiques: working with the Cartesian plane

Francais: daily reading, preparing an oral presentation, discussing the elements of a story, building a story using these elements.

English Language Arts: daily reading, discussing kindness, beginning our 2020 Mock Caldecott.

Sciences de la nature: learning about vertebrates.

Sciences Humaines: continuing our study of the First World War: objects from the war, Passchendaele, researching John McCrae.

Also this week:
Early dismissal Tuesday

Report cards go home Wednesday

November 29, 2019


Be on the lookout for today's Positive Observation on Friday!
Students have been tasked with showing their reflection to a parent.


6-1 did a wonderful job presenting their learning at this morning's assembly! 
They told the school about improper fractions and mixed numbers in Math, and how to classify animals into groups in Science.
Well done!

November 28, 2019

Peace Poems!

Students creatively thought about peace using their five senses. What beautiful work!

November 27, 2019

From the Science Department...

Students used the ipads to research an arthropod.

November 25, 2019

This Week in 209

Here's what we'll be working on this week:

Mathematiques: solving an equation with multiple strategies, finishing up with improper fractions and mixed numbers.

Francais: daily reading, publishing peace poems, planning a new oral presentation

English Language Arts: daily reading, revising, editing and publishing our biographies.

Sciences de la nature: researching arthropods with the ipads

Sciences Humaines:  learning about the Battle of Beaumont-Hamel and Vimy Ridge, discussing WWI artifacts

Also this week: 
*Pizza Day on Thursday (order on Wednesday)
*6-1 will be presenting at Friday's assembly

November 19, 2019


See you tonight at
Student Led Conferences! 
4:30 - 7:30 p.m.

November 18, 2019

Change Alert!

Our email system at Ecole Ness has now changed.
Please contact me with your concerns and questions at:

This week in 209

Here's what we'll be working on this week:

Mathematiques: problem solving with improper fractions and mixed numbers.

Francais: daily reading, writing opinions, listening & viewing, writing peace poems

English Language Arts: daily reading, revising our biographies, listening & viewing.

Sciences de la nature: learning about arthropods

Sciences Humaines:  learning about the 2nd Battle of Ypres and the Battle of Beaumont-Hamel

November 13, 2019

Homework Alert!

Speechtastic Presentations are Thursday and Friday!

(Please see the post on November 2nd for more information)

November 12, 2019

This week in 209

Here's what we'll be working on this week:

Mathematiques: working with improper fractions and mixed numbers, using mental math strategies for subtraction.

Francais: daily reading, giving,justifying and opinions, listening & viewing, writing peace poems

English Language Arts: daily reading, revising our biographies, critical thinking discussions and writing, Speechtastic presentations, listening & viewing.

Sciences de la nature: researching invertebrate animals

Sciences Humaines: reviewing the reasons why World War I began, learning about the trenches and the 2nd Battle of Ypres.

November 7, 2019


Be on the lookout for a Remembrance Day postcard
Each student wrote a reflection and is asked to share it with you this weekend.
 Students are also asked to actively remember on Remembrance Day.
 Lest We Forget.

November 4, 2019


Over the next few weeks, our two school counselors, Mme Bees and Mme Marcoux will be coming in to the class to talk about a program called the Zones of Regulation. Students will learn more about themselves and explore strategies to help them manage how they think, feel and act. 

We will talk about four zones that help to describe how our brains and bodies feel. We will also talk about expected and unexpected behaviours and how these behaviours can make others feel. We will explore triggers, both those that can make us feel happy and those that can make us upset. Finally, we will practice using a variety of sensory tools and develop some calming strategies to help us manage our mood and regulate our behaviour.

This Week in 209

Here's what we'll be working on this week:

Mathematiques: learning about improper fractions and mixed numbers, using mental math strategies for subtraction.

Francais: daily reading, giving and justifying opinions.

English Language Arts: daily reading, writing biographies, critical thinking discussions and writing, working on Speechtastic.

Sciences de la nature: researching invertebrate animals

Sciences Humaines: learning the reasons why World War I began, discussing the importance of remembering and the poppy.

Also this week:
*Remembrance Day Ceremony on Thursday

November 2, 2019


It's time for another Speechtastic!

This time, students are preparing an Informative Speech. They have chosen a topic (a person, a place, an event, a product...) and are planning a 2-5 minute speech to inform the audience about this topic. They should be sure to have an introduction, a middle (with all the important information explained with clear details) and a conclusion.

Speechtastic Presentations are Thursday, November 14th and Friday, November 15th. 

November 1, 2019


Students had the chance to reflect on this past week by completing a POOF (Positive Observations oFriday) page.
We shared our observations in class, and now students have been asked to share their page with someone at home.
Happy Friday!