That's cool! (and interesting!)
Poison vs venom: what's the difference?
Why do animals have such different lifespans?
The journey to Pluto, the farthest world ever explored
The science of spiciness
The bug that poops candy
Why isn't the world covered in poop?
What would happen if every human suddenly disappeared?

Stretch Your Brain!
Can you solve the bridge riddle?
Can you solve the prisoner hat riddle?
Can you solve the locker riddle?
Can you solve the river crossing riddle?
Can you solve the temple riddle?
Can you solve the egg drop riddle?
Can you solve the pirate riddle?
Can you solve the frog riddle?
Can you solve the famously difficult green-eyed logic puzzle?

Time for a singalong?
The Planet Song!

 Veux-tu jouer avec les mathématiques?

Veux-tu pratiquer tes faits de base mathématiques?
Math Trainer - Multiplication
Quiz de division

You know how Mme McKenzie 
LOVES Rube Goldberg machines...
 Pass the Pepper
Behind the Scenes of Pass the Pepper 
OK Go 
3M Brand 
Samsung Smart Travel 
The Page Turner 
The Dresser 
Couch Potato Machine 
Nestle Good Care

Learn something new!
National Geographic for Kids
Science Facts

Do you need a Mindfulness Moment?
Mindful Breathing
Rainbow Breath
Relieve Anxiety
Find Peace
Loving Kindness Meditation

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