February 29, 2020

Homework Alert!

Science Design Process Projects
 are due Monday, March 2nd!

(Please see post on February 11th for all the details)

February 27, 2020

Debate Update!

After several interesting debates, 
we are down to the final four books in our Best Book Ever Competition.

From the Math Department...

To wrap up our study of the Order of Operations, students were challenged to find an equation equal to each number between 0 and 16 using only the numbers 1, 4, 9 and 2.
What excellent work!

February 24, 2020

This Week in 209

Here's what we'll be working on this week:

Mathematiques: working with the order of operations, problem solving, working with decimal numbers

Francais: daily reading, describing and evaluating poetry, practicing our oral comprehension skills

English Language Arts: daily reading, publishing poetry about the Holocaust, using our critical thinking skills, debating and preparing for our next debate for the Best Book Ever showdown

Sciences de la nature: learning about the rotation and revolution of the Earth

Sciences humaines: learning about World War II: the Dieppe Raid

February 22, 2020

Upcoming Quiz!

There will be a Science Quiz on Tuesday, March 3rd!
Here's what students need to know:

*les croyances d’autrefois 
(what we believed about the Earth and space in the past) 

*l’ordre des planètes
(the order of the planets)

*les planètes internes et externes
 (the inner and outer planets)

*la différence entre la masse et le poids
(the difference between mass and weight)

*la différence entre la rotation et la révolution de la Terre
(the difference between Earth's rotation and revolution)

*pourquoi on a le jour et la nuit 
(why we have day and night) 

*pourquoi on a les saisons
(why we have seasons) 
 We will be reviewing all these concepts this week in class.

February 19, 2020

Festival du Voyageur!

6-1 had a GREAT time at Festival!

Students participated in a dance session, where we learned two different dances.

We then got to see the Winston Band in concert and join in by singing and dancing.

We also had the chance to tour different parts of Fort Gibraltar, including the blacksmith and the trading post.

Hé ho! Hé ho!

February 18, 2020

Date Change!

The Science Design Process Project 

(please see all the details posted on February 11th) 

will now be due Monday, March 2nd.

Festival Reminders!

Tomorrow we are off to Festival du Voyageur!
Students should bring a bag lunch! 
They can carry their backpacks but are responsible for carrying them all day!
Students should be dressed for the weather (including boots, mittens and ski pants) - we will be outside a lot during the day!
Students should be ready to participate in activities - in French!
Students may NOT bring their phones!
Students will have some free time to explore the Parc du Voyageur. With parental permission, students may bring money and purchase snacks or souvenirs!
Any students needing inhalers or epi-pens should have them!

Hé ho!

This Week in 209

Here's what we'll be working on this week:

Mathematiques: working with the order of operations, problem solving

Francais: daily reading, presenting poetry, learning about Louis Riel

English Language Arts: daily reading, writing poetry about the Holocaust, preparing for our next debate for the Best Book Ever showdown

Sciences de la nature: working on the design process project

Sciences humaines: learning about World War II: the Dieppe Raid

Also this week:
Festival du Voyageur field trip on Wednesday!

February 14, 2020


Be on the lookout for today's POOF (Positive Observations on Friday) page!

Party Time!

Thanks Party Committee for a super fun party this afternoon!

Students participated in a school-wide scavenger hunt and then ate yummy snacks!

Best Book Ever!

After a debate filled with interesting arguments, Green Eggs and Ham moves on in our Best Book Ever Competition.

Happy Valentine's Day!

6-1 celebrated Valentine's Day today with...

**Valentine math: solving equations where the numbers are represented by symbols

**trying to correctly colour the math equations to see the secret image

**Team Challenge: trying to figure out the meaning of French expressions that use the word 'coeur' (heart)

**Valentine Bingo!

February 13, 2020

Happy 100th Day of School!

6-1 celebrated the 100th Day of School today by...

*participating in the Amazing Race (100 Day Edition)

 *competing in the 100-Second Challenge, including the events:
How many times can you write your name in 100 seconds?

How many times can you write the numbers 0 to 9 in 100 seconds?

 How many times can you jump on one foot in 100 seconds?

 How many chair sits can you do in 100 seconds?

 How many push-ups can you do in 100 seconds?

 Yay for Hundred Day!

February 11, 2020

From the Science Department...

It's time for another design process!

This time it's about... TIME!

Students must reflect on why we want or need to measure time.
Then, they must choose one ancient instrument used to measure time and:
-research its origin
-create a labeled drawing
-write a description of the instrument: what it looks like and how it works
-give the advantages and the disadvantages of the instrument
-imagine possible modifications to make the instrument modern

For some of these components, students have researched the answers. For other components, students should formulate and invent their own answers.

The pages students have been working on (pictured below) are the rough copy of this project.
Students should create a final project, including all of their information. This final project could take any number of forms: a poster, a book, a diorama, etc... They do not have to construct a working model of the instrument.

The final projects of this Design Process are due
 Tuesday, February 25th.

February 10, 2020

The Best Book Ever!

Students nominated books for the Best Book Ever competition.
The eight most popular were chosen.
Throughout the month of February, we'll be debating to find out which title will win the crown.

Stay tuned for updates!

French Poetry - Ooh la la!

In Français, we have been working on reading poems and critically thinking about them by giving our opinions and making connections. 

Each student has now chosen a short French poem to memorize. 

As a class, we decided that the poem should be evaluated on Memorization (knowing all the words, speaking fluently, being prepared) and Presentation (speed, expression, eye contact).

Poem presentations will be Tuesday, February 18th.

This Week in 209

Here's what we'll be working on this week:

Mathematiques: working with the order of operations, problem solving

Francais: daily reading, reading, presenting and discussing poetry

English Language Arts: daily reading, critically thinking about the Holocaust, starting our debate for the Best Book Ever

Sciences de la nature: finishing and presenting the research of a planet of the solar system, starting a new design process project

Sciences humaines: learning about World War II: the Blitz and Canada's role in the defense of Hong Kong

Also this week:
Thursday is the 100th Day of School!
Friday is Valentine's Day!