September 30, 2019

Orange Shirt Day

After reading The Orange Shirt Story, each student chose a colour, a symbol and an image to represent the text.

Later on in the year students will participate in a more in-depth exploration of residential schools.

This week in 209!

Here's what we'll be working on this week:

Mathematiques: working with factors, discussing mental math strategies to double a number.

Francais: daily reading, working with verbs & grammar, journal writing, starting a creative writing project.

English Language Arts: daily reading, read aloud, impromptu speeches, writing Haiku.

Sciences de la nature: discussing living things and how to classify them.

Sciences Humaines: discussing Canadian identity and Canadian immigration of the past.

September 27, 2019

Terry Fox Day!

Here we are before heading out for our Terry Fox Walk and Run!

September 26, 2019

From the Math Department...

This morning we learned about factors and then practiced finding all the factors of a number.


Remember: tomorrow is the Terry Fox Run at Ecole Ness!

Students should be dressed appropriately and prepared to walk or run. Also, students should remember to wear Ness team colours (greenyellow and black).

Remember your 2 dollar donation: bring a toonie for Terry!

Image result for terry fox clipart

September 24, 2019

Science Project!

It's time for our first Science Design Process!

Here's a quick rundown of what students have to do:
-Invent a planet with at least 16 aliens
-Design a dichotomous key to classify all of the aliens
-Name and describe each final category on the dichotomous key, giving examples.

**The representation of the planet and aliens can take any number of forms: a poster, a drawing, a collage, a diorama, etc.

**The final project must also include the dichotomous key and the category descriptions, written, of course, in beautiful French.

Students will have class time this week to work. The balance of the project will be completed at home.

Students have a rough copy (please see below), including all of the details of the project and a rubric showing how the final project will be marked. This rough copy must be handed in along with the final project.

The final project will be due October 8th.

September 23, 2019

Banned Books Week

This week is Banned Books Week, which is an annual event celebrating the freedom to read. It spotlights current and historical attempts to censor books in libraries and schools. It brings together the entire book community — librarians, booksellers, publishers, journalists, teachers, and readers of all types — in shared support of the freedom to seek and to express ideas.

Today in class we read two of the books that have been challenged in the past and then discussed why they might be on the banned books list.

This Week in 209

Here's what we'll be working on this week:

Mathematiques: working with multiples, learning about factors, discussing mental math strategies to double a number.

Francais: daily reading, writing a summary, working with verbs, reading about and discussing Terry Fox.

English Language Arts: daily reading, read aloud, critical thinking, impromptu speeches.

Sciences de la nature: using dichotomous keys, starting design process project.

Sciences Humaines: exploring personal identity, discussing Canadian identity.

September 22, 2019

Terry Fox Day!

  • Ecole Ness will be participating in its annual Terry Fox Day on Friday, September 27th at approximately 10:45 am.  Students and teachers will be walking or running in our community to celebrate Terry Fox and the Marathon of Hope.  At Ecole Ness, we believe that this is an excellent way to foster a sense of belonging and unity by participating as a school toward a great cause: funding cancer research.  

  • Terry Fox said, “When I started this run, I said that if we all gave one dollar, we'd have $22 million for cancer research, and I don't care man, there's no reason that isn't possible. No reason!” Our school fundraising aims to go further: for each student to bring in two dollars to support the Terry Fox Foundation. This donation can be sent in anytime throughout the week. Thank you for your support!
On Friday, students should remember to wear Ness team colours (greenyellow and black) and be dressed for their walk or run outside.
Image result for terry fox clipart

September 20, 2019


Every other Friday, students will have the chance to reflect on the past week by completing a POOF (Positive Observations on Friday) page.
We shared our observations in class, and now students have been asked to share their page with someone at home.

What a great way to start the weekend!
Happy Friday!

Knights of Ness!

Since school began, we have been discussing the four values of Knights: respect, responsibility, integrity and excellence. We combined our ideas together into a handy-dandy poster, which we have all signed and pledged to follow throughout the year. It will hang on our wall as a constant reminder of how to be a classroom community.

September 18, 2019

Team Challenge!

In today's team challenge, groups had to place their numbers so that the sum of each row was the same and the sum of each column was the same. The twist was that the solution was only possible after combining their numbers with another group!

September 17, 2019

Rules of the Classroom Library!

As a class, we came up with five rules for our classroom library.
Students have signed their page to show that they are ready to follow the rules. Parents are also asked to sign.
Once students have handed in their signed page, they may start borrowing books from the Classroom Library.
Happy Reading!

Collaborative Art!

Each student created a square of art.
We then assembled it together to create a classroom piece of artwork!

BBQ Tonight!

See you tonight at the 
Ness School Barbecue 
from 4:30 - 6:30 p.m!

September 16, 2019

From the Math Department...

This morning students practiced multiples by playing the Multiple Monster game!

This Week in 209

Here's what we'll be working on this week:

Mathematiques: working with multiples, finding the lowest common multiple, discussing mental math strategies.

Francais: daily reading, working on writing our classroom beliefs, working with verbs.

English Language Arts: daily reading, creating an identity poem, critical thinking, starting our read aloud.

Sciences de la nature: investigating dichotomous keys and practicing how to use them.

Sciences Humaines: discussing rights & responsibilities, exploring personal identity.

September 14, 2019

Homework Alert!

The math title page is due on Monday!

Students: remember to fill your page with all the numbers that matter to you!

September 13, 2019



Image result for smile

 Remember to look spiffy on 
Monday, September 16th - it's Picture Day!

Friday the 13th!

To celebrate Friday the 13th, students participated in an Amazing Race style activity. They received a math problem to work through. Once they found the correct answer, they got another problem, and continued on until they reached the end of the race. 
Students did a great job working with their partners through all the problems! Well done!

September 12, 2019

From the Math Department...

This morning students learned about multiples and practiced writing the multiples of a number.

September 10, 2019


This year I will be offering the Scholastics flyers for Arrow, Club de lecture and Specials. This is a great place to find novels at a very reasonable prices.

You may submit your payment by cheque or by paying online (at with credit card. 

Orders are due Monday, September 16th.

Happy Reading!

Team Challenge!

In today's Team Challenge, groups had to assemble all the pieces to make six identical squares!

September 9, 2019

What`s in a Name?

On Wednesday, students should be prepared to tell the class about their name! 

Remember students: it could be how you got your name, what your name means, or who you are named for. You could talk about your first name, your middle name or your last name.

Another Form!

Students received today the information and consent form for the Grade 6 Immunization.

Whether you consent to this vaccine or not, the form must be returned by September 13th.

Thank you for your prompt response.

September 6, 2019

First Day of School!

6-1 had a GREAT first day of school, getting to know Mme McKenzie, getting to know each other, getting to know their way around the school and getting to know their lockers!

September 5, 2019

Forms! Forms! Forms!

Thank you for completing and returning 
the three following forms:

-Permission form for community walks:

 -Student Emergency Medical Information

 -Application for Lunch Program