January 30, 2020

Spirit Week!

It's time for another SPIRIT WEEK!
This time, we're celebrating I Love to Read Month with five days  inspired by a
 Robert Munsch classic book!

le lundi 3 février:
Inspiré par <Coquin de rouquin> par Robert Munsch, un auteur canadien, portez la couleur rouge afin de célébrer la première journée du mois de plaisir de lire et les auteurs canadiens!
[Wear red to celebrate the first day of I Love to Read Month and Canadian authors!]

 le mardi 4 février
Inspiré par <Encore un but> par Robert Munsch, portez un vêtement qui représente le hockey aujourd'hui!
[Wear a hockey related outfit today!]

 le mercredi 5 février
Inspiré par <Tes chaussettes sentent la mouffette!> par Robert Munsch, porter vos chaussettes folles (mais non pas vos chaussettes puantes) aujourd'hui!
[Wear your crazy socks today!]
 le jeudi 6 février
Inspiré par <La tignasse de Max> par Robert Munsch, 
c'est le jour de chapeau/cheveux fou!
[It's crazy hair / crazy hat day!]

 le vendredi 7 février
Inspiré par <Journée de pyjama> par Robert Munsch, portez vos pyjamas aujourd'hui pour qu'on puisse se blottir et lire!
[It's Pajama Day!]

Math + Art = Masterpiece!

In Math, students created an art project using geometric transformations.

January 27, 2020

This week in 209

Here's what we'll be working on this week:

Mathematiques: using a variety of addition strategies, working with geometric transformations: translations, rotations and reflections, learning about the order of operations

Francais: daily reading, practicing correctly writing adjectives,writing opinions with justification about French music videos, reading poetry

English Language Arts: daily reading, journal writing challenge, learning about the Holocaust, reading and discussing poetry, preparing for Speechtastic presentations

Sciences de la nature: researching a planet of the solar system

Sciences humaines: learning about the causes of the Second World War and how it began

January 23, 2020


It's time for another Speechtastic!

This time, students are preparing an Instructional Speech. They have chosen a demonstration (how to draw something, how to make something, how to do something...) and are planning a 2-5 minute speech to demonstrate the process to the audience. They should be sure to have an introduction, a middle (with the step-by-step process explained with clear details) and a conclusion.

Students may use visuals and/or props but have been encouraged to keep it simple!

Speechtastic Presentations are 
Monday, February 3rd, Tuesday, February 4th and Wednesday, February 5th.

From the French Department...

In French, students are working on supporting their opinions with justification and detail.

After watching a French music video of their choice, students have to describe what they saw and then give their opinion about the song and the music video. Of course, each opinion should be supported by justification and detail!

Optional Opportunities!

There are three upcoming learning opportunities that have now been discussed in class with students: Expo Science (Science Fair), Heritage Fair (Les fêtes du patrimoine) and Concours d'art oratoire.

All of these enrichment activities are OPTIONAL for all students, with the bulk of the work being completed at home. That being said, students are encouraged to consider participating in one of these opportunities to further enhance their learning. It will be a lot of hard work but certainly very rewarding in the end!

Students who have expressed interest in writing and presenting a speech for Concours have received a planning booklet. While most of the planning and writing will be done on the student's own time, there will be help provided over the noon hour. An exact "due date" for Concours has not yet been set by the school, but it is anticipated it will be mid-February. More information will be shared with those participating once a date has been determined.

Students who have expressed interested in completing a Science Fair or Heritage Fair project received an information letter. Projects may be completed individually or with a partner and MUST be completed in French. Deadline for project registration is February 3rd with completed projects being due at the school March 18.

Please take a moment to discuss these learning-enrichment opportunities with your child.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at the school.

January 21, 2020

From the Science Department...

How can we visualize the distance between the planets?
With toilet paper!

Using the actual distances between planets, reduced down to toilet paper square size, we created a model of our solar system in the hallway.

Learning about the Holocaust

In English Language Arts, we have been exploring a timeline of the Holocaust including three layers: historical events, laws & decrees and world responses.

 At the same time, students have been following the story of a real person throughout these years, learning what their life was like during this time period.

January 20, 2020

This Week in 209

Here's what we'll be working on this week:

Mathematiques: using a variety of addition strategies, working with geometric transformations: translations, rotations and reflections

Francais: daily reading, practicing correctly writing adjectives,writing opinions with justification about French music videos, CFOO presentations

English Language Arts: daily reading, journal writing challenge, learning about the Holocaust, reading and discussing poetry, preparing for Speechtastic

Sciences de la nature: visualizing the distance between planets, researching a planet of the solar system

Sciences humaines: learning about the Great Depression, learning about the causes of the Second World War

January 16, 2020


In Français, it's time for another CFOO (Le Club Fabuleux des Orateurs et Oratrices)! 
This is a public speaking "club" that will help students improve their oral French skills through short speeches.
For this presentation, students must choose one of the five Research options: information about an animal, information about a country, facts about a person, information about a technological object or reporting on a sports event.

They will then prepare their short oral presentation, fulfilling all of the criteria (listed on the page they have in their binder).
Students should also keep in mind eye contact, volume and expression during their presentation.

The CFOO Presentations will take place on Wednesday, January 22nd.

January 13, 2020

This Week in 209

Here's what we'll be working on this week:

Mathematiques: Cartesian plane quiz, working with geometric transformations: translations, rotations and reflections

Francais: daily reading, grammar practice, discussing and writing opinions supported by justification about French music videos, preparing CFOO presentations, journal writing

English Language Arts: daily reading, journal writing challenge, commonality chart, learning about the Holocaust, poetry

Sciences de la nature: learning about the Sun and the solar system, researching a planet of the solar system

Sciences humaines: learning about the Great Depression

January 10, 2020

Friday Fun!

To finish up our first week back, students tried out the Snowman Drawing Challenge!

Learning about the Holocaust

In English Language Arts, we have been learning about the Holocaust. As we know, this is a very difficult topic to study and discuss. 

Next week, each student will choose a Holocaust related novel to read independently.

To compliment this reading, we will also be studying a timeline made up of three layers: events, laws & decrees, and world responses. In addition, each student will get to follow the journey of an individual throughout this time period.

Students are encouraged to discuss any questions or concerns they may have regarding this study. Thank you in advance for your at-home support.

Happy Friday!

Be on the lookout for today's POOF (Positive Observations on Friday) page!

January 7, 2020

Upcoming Quiz!

There will be a Math Quiz 
on Tuesday, January 14th 
all about the coordinates of a Cartesian plane. 

We will be reviewing in class in preparation.

What We Have In Common!

There's something new on our door: it's the Commonality Chart!

Students meet in partners and find something they have in common. Two examples: "we both like pasta" and "we've been to the CN Tower". All the findings are recorded on the Commonality Chart.

Hopefully by the end of the year, each student would have found something in common with each member of the class!

January 6, 2020

From the Math Department...

Today in Math, students had the chance to solve skyscraper puzzle problems.
 Here's how it works: they receive a grid of squares, all of which contain a skyscraper of various heights. Around the grid are clues telling how many skyscrapers can be seen from each perspective.

Missing School Supplies!

It's the time of year when students start running out of supplies (like pencils) or they realize they've lost supplies (like scissors)
Students were asked to jot down in their agendas today any missing school supplies.

Thanks for your support!

This Week in 209

Here's what we'll be working on this week:

Mathematiques:  working with the Cartesian plane, creating a drawing by listing coordinates, multiplying numbers with zeros

Francais: daily reading, grammar practice, discussing and writing opinions supported by justification

English Language Arts: daily reading, journal writing challenge, commonality chart, discussing poetry, learning about the Holocaust

Sciences de la nature: learning about past beliefs about Earth and the solar system

Sciences humaines: learning about events between the two World Wars: the Spanish flu, the right to vote for women