January 23, 2020

Optional Opportunities!

There are three upcoming learning opportunities that have now been discussed in class with students: Expo Science (Science Fair), Heritage Fair (Les fêtes du patrimoine) and Concours d'art oratoire.

All of these enrichment activities are OPTIONAL for all students, with the bulk of the work being completed at home. That being said, students are encouraged to consider participating in one of these opportunities to further enhance their learning. It will be a lot of hard work but certainly very rewarding in the end!

Students who have expressed interest in writing and presenting a speech for Concours have received a planning booklet. While most of the planning and writing will be done on the student's own time, there will be help provided over the noon hour. An exact "due date" for Concours has not yet been set by the school, but it is anticipated it will be mid-February. More information will be shared with those participating once a date has been determined.

Students who have expressed interested in completing a Science Fair or Heritage Fair project received an information letter. Projects may be completed individually or with a partner and MUST be completed in French. Deadline for project registration is February 3rd with completed projects being due at the school March 18.

Please take a moment to discuss these learning-enrichment opportunities with your child.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at the school.