May 7, 2020

Fiesta of Learning: THURSDAY Edition!

Voici l'apprentissage d'aujourd'hui:
(There is a brief English translation for parents at the bottom of this post)


Clique sur le lien ci-dessous pour voir les pages de calcul mental. On utilise la multiplication des nombres décimaux pour calculer le périmètre des figures.

1) Fais de la lecture autonome! Vérifie la page FRANÇAIS pour voir la liste de choix pour la lecture ou essaie le site Je Lis. Je Lis!
2) Pratique ton français oral! Aujourd'hui, essaie un vire-langue. Vérifie la page FRANÇAIS pour voir les choix.

3) Clique le lien ci-dessous pour voir les pages d’aujourd’hui. Si tu ne peux pas imprimer tu peux écrire tes réponses sur une page. 

Pages: au village
Les réponses seront affichées demain.

English Language Arts:
1) Read a novel of your choice independently for at least twenty minutes.

2) Find someone to play Taboo with. Remember the rules: you're trying to get the other person to guess the word at the top but you can't say any of the words listed below - they are taboo! Think quickly and speak clearly!  
Cards for Taboo!
Sciences de la nature:

Pas de travail aujourd'hui.

Sciences Humaines:
Pas de travail aujourd'hui.

For Parents:
Maths: Students should complete the attached pages. If they can't print they can write down their answers on a page. We are using the multiplication of decimal numbers to calculate the perimeter of a shape. Students should send their work to Mme.

French: Students should do their daily independent French reading - there is a list of options on the Francais page. Students should do their daily oral French practice - today they should try saying a tongue twister multiple times. Students should then click on the link to see today's work. We are following directions on a map to get from point A to point B. This is another way to practice reading and writing the verbs we're studying. If they can't print the pages they can write down their answers on a page. The answers will be posted tomorrow.

Science:No assignment today.

Social Studies: No assignment today.