May 12, 2020

TUESDAY`s Learning Jubilee!

Voici l'apprentissage d'aujourd'hui:
(There is a brief English translation for parents at the bottom of this post)


Clique le lien ci-dessous pour voir les pages de résolution de problèmes. Il faut ajouter des valeurs à un mobile pour garder l’égalité.
Si tu ne peux pas imprimer, écris tes réponses sur une page.
 Resolution de problemes: l'egalite des mobiles

Pour voir Mme expliquer comment trouver une solution, clique le lien ci-dessous :

Video: Mme explique la solution d'un mobile

Quand tu as trouvé les solutions, envoie tes réponses à Mme (

1) Fais de la lecture autonome! Vérifie la page FRANÇAIS pour voir la liste de choix pour la lecture ou essaie le site Je Lis. Je Lis!
2) Pratique ton français oral! Aujourd'hui, essaie l'inspiration d'une image. Vérifie la page FRANÇAIS pour voir les choix.
3) Clique le lien ci-dessous pour voir la page d'écriture.
Page d'ecriture: les reglements du restaurant

English Language Arts:
1) Read a novel of your choice independently for at least twenty minutes.

2)  For your final persuasive essay, you get to choose the topic! It could be a topic you've already written about or it could be a brand-new topic. Click the link below to see a list of possible topics.
 Possible Essay Topics

3) Once you've chosen your topic, fill in the OREO triple stuffed graphic organizer. Remember - the more ideas and information you jot down now, the easier it will be to write your essay.
OREO triple stuffed graphic organizer

Sciences de la nature:

Pas de travail aujourd'hui.

Sciences Humaines:
Pas de travail aujourd'hui.

For Parents:
Maths: Students should figure out the attached problem solving pages. It involves adding values to each side of a balanced mobile. If they can't print, they can simply write down their answers on a page. The attached video explanation might be useful. Once finished, students should send their answers to Mme McKenzie.

French: Students should do their daily independent French reading - there is a list of options on the Francais page. Students should do their daily oral French practice - today they should try being inspired by an image. Students should then check out the attached writing page. If they can't print, they can write it in their writing notebook. They are writing the rules of a restaurant - using the verbs we are practicing.

Science:No assignment today.

Social Studies: No assignment today.