May 28, 2020

THURSDAY's Learning Festivities!

Voici l'apprentissage d'aujourd'hui:
(There is a brief English translation for parents at the bottom of this post)


Aujourd’hui en calcul mental on pratique la division de l’argent.

Clique le lien ci-dessous pour voir le travail.
[Les réponses seront affichées demain!]

Il y a aussi des photos et des vidéos sur la page CALCUL MENTAL pour t’aider!

1) Fais de la lecture autonome! Vérifie la page FRANÇAIS pour voir la liste de choix pour la lecture ou essaie le site Je Lis. Je Lis!

2) Pratique ton français oral! Aujourd'hui, essaie un vire-langue. Vérifie la page FRANÇAIS pour voir les choix.

3) Clique le lien ci-dessous pour voir la page décriture d'aujourd'hui.

Ecriture: Comment preparer et manger
Il y a aussi un texte exemplaire et une page de verbes à l’impératif pour t’aider.

English Language Arts:
1) Read a novel of your choice independently for at least twenty minutes.
2) Finish editing your final persuasive essay. (See Tuesday's blog for more information)

3) Send your finished, final copy of your persuasive essay to Mme (

4) See you at today's Class Meeting at 11 a.m. on Teams. 
Here are today's discussion questions: 
Would you rather travel into space or travel around the world?
Would you rather eat only cold foods or only hot foods?

Sciences de la nature:

Pas de travail aujourd'hui.

Sciences Humaines:
Pas de travail aujourd'hui.

For Parents:
Maths: Students should find today's mental math work - we are practicing dividing money. There are also how-to photos and videos on the CALCUL MENTAL page of the blog.

French: Students should do their daily independent French reading - there is a list of options on the Francais page. Students should do their daily oral French practice - today they should repeat a tongue twister - there is a list of options on the Francais page.  Students should then click the link to see today's writing assignment. They are asked to imagine they meet an alien and have to give him step-by-step directions how to prepare and eat something simple. There is an example text: how to prepare and eat cereal. There is also a page with possible verbs that can be used when writing.

Science:  No assignment today.

Social Studies: No assignment today.