April 22, 2020

Festival of Learning: WEDNESDAY Edition!

Voici l'apprentissage d'aujourd'hui:
(There is a brief English translation for parents at the bottom of this post)


Clique le lien ci-dessous pour voir les deux problèmes à résoudre.
Lis bien la question, montre tout ton travail et donne une réponse finale.

Resolution de problemes: nombres decimaux

Envoie ton travail à Mme McKenzie : laura.mckenzie@sjasd.ca

1) Vérifie la page FRANÇAIS pour voir la liste de choix pour la lecture. Fais de la lecture autonome.

2) Vérifie la page FRANÇAIS pour voir la liste de choix pour l’oral. Pratique ton français oral!

3) Clique le lien ci-dessous pour voir la page On corrige. Si tu ne peux pas imprimer, tu peux simplement écrire tes réponses sur une page.
Page: On corrige

Trouve toutes les fautes et réécris la phrase correctement.
*Les réponses seront affichées demain.*

English Language Arts:
1) Read a novel of your choice independently for at least twenty minutes.

2) Happy Earth Day! Click on the link below to read the article about Earth Day.
Article: Earth Day 

3) Should we continue to celebrate Earth Day every year? That's your topic. Click the link below to see the Double OREO planning page. It's called the Double OREO because this time you need to think of two reasons.
Double OREO graphic organizer
Remember this graphic organizer is where you jot down your thoughts - don't use complete sentences!

Tomorrow we'll use this planning page to write two persuasive paragraphs.

Sciences de la nature:

Pas de travail aujourd`hui.

Sciences Humaines:
Pas de travail aujourd'hui.

For Parents: 

Maths: Students have two problems to solve today. They should carefully read the question, show all their work and give a final answer. Students should then send their work to Mme McKenzie.

French: Students should do their daily independent French reading - there is a list of options on the Francais page. Students should do their daily oral French practice - there is a list of options on the Francais page. Students should then complete the attached page - they have to find and correct all the errors in the sentences. If they cannot print the page, they can simply write their answers in their writing notebook.

Science: No assignment today.

Social Studies: No assignment today.