April 27, 2020

MONDAY's Learning Adventure!

Voici l'apprentissage d'aujourd'hui:
(There is a brief English translation for parents at the bottom of this post)


Aujourd’hui on pratique la multiplication de l’argent qui est essentiellement la multiplication des nombres décimaux!

Vérifie la page CALCUL MENTAL pour voir les étapes.

Clique le lien ci-dessous pour voir les menus et les directives.
Calcul mental: les menus
  Plus de maths? Joue le jeu! 
Jeu: Prince & Princesse des Produits

(Si tu ne peux pas imprimer, tu peux simplement écrire sur une page.)

1) Vérifie la page FRANÇAIS pour voir la liste de choix pour la lecture. Fais de la lecture autonome.

2) Pratique ton français oral! Aujourd'hui, essaie l'inspiration d'une image. Vérifie la page FRANÇAIS pour voir les choix.

3) Écoute les courtes vidéos de Léon et réponds aux questions sur la page ci-dessous.
Page: videos de Leon
Voici les liens aux vidéos. (Il y aussi des codes QR sur la page)
Video: Leon - la creme solaire
Video: Leon - le parfum
Video: Leon - le billet gagnant
Video: Leon - le monstre marin
Video: Leon - le gateau
Video: Leon - le parachute

English Language Arts:
1) Read a novel of your choice independently for at least twenty minutes.

2) Click on the link below and choose one of the poems.
Poetry Performance!
Now, practice your poetry performance: are there any words you're not sure about? what kind of expression will you use? which words need emphasis? what kind of emotion will you use? how will you make the poem come alive? 

When you're ready to perform, present your poem to someone in your household. Watch them leap up in a well-deserved standing ovation!

Sciences de la nature:

1) Clique la page ci-dessous et lis l’information au sujet des différents types de satellites.
2) Remplis la page dans ton duotang : comment les satellites nous aident?

Tu peux écrire l’information en point forme.

Prends toute la semaine si tu le veux, mais quand tu as fini, envoie la page à Mme McKenzie (laura.mckenzie@sjasd.ca).

Sciences Humaines:
Pas de travail aujourd'hui.

For Parents:
Maths: Students should practice multiplying money - which is essentially multiplying decimal numbers! There are step-by-step instructions and videos on the Calcul Mental page.
There is a link to several menu pages with prices. Students should invent an equation such as: what would five burgers cost?  After figuring out the answer to their equation, they could verify with a calculator to make sure they're on the right track. There is also a game to play if time allows.

French: Students should do their daily independent French reading - there is a list of options on the Francais page. Students should do their daily oral French practice - today they should try being inspired by an image. Students should then watch the super short Leon videos and answer the questions on the page. If they can't print the page, they can write their answers in their writing notebook.

Science: Students should read the information about satellites on the attached page. They should then fill in the page in their duotang - how do the different types of satellites help us? They could jot the information down in point form. They can take all week to finish, but once complete, students should send the page to Mme via email.

Social Studies: No assignment today.